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How To Perform Eye Exercises With Your Clients

An integral part of our workshops is to teach the practitioner eye testing as well as the corrections associated to it to correct the problem. The role of the Posturologist is to detect convergence disorders which involve the proprioception of the extrinsic ocular muscles.

Each patient is different and will require personalized examination as well as parameters and a rehabilitation program that are appropriate for his/her condition; esophoria cannot be treated the same way as exophoria.

The eye exercises, performed with your very own index (of the dominant side), serve to re-educate symmetrical movements and create a synergy between the right and left eye.

They are a fundamental part of the process as the magnet only sets the stage for the re-education to take place, via the eye exercises.

Start the eye exercise at 10cm away from the root of the nose, proceed in a  clockwise direction (in front of forehead).

The exercise should be done 3 times a day for 30 seconds each time.

[youtube_sc url=””]

The Posturepro Team
Changing Lives



Annette Verpillot

Published by
Annette Verpillot