Annette Verpillot

FEBUARY 9 2017

For most people, good posture is often associated with improved appearance and reduced incidence of low back pain. These benefits are certainly true, but achieving optimal postural alignment is also essential to achieving athletic superiority – or, at least, performing better.

What’s even more significant about posture is that it may be responsible for more injuries and poor physical condition than any other cause…Before you even started moving!

Because there are 168 hours in a week in which you move with a body that is misaligned, this can eventually break the human body.

How to get a tight butt

Bad posture is a silent killer because it robs you of your energy in such small amounts that you don’t notice it until the tissues fail to regenerate and the pain begins.

[bctt tweet=”Bad posture is a silent killer as it robs you of your energy in small amounts that you don’t notice it until pain begins.” username=”posture_pro”]

About The Author

Annette Verpillot is the founder of Posturepro a company specializing in Postural Recalibration. She is an internationally recognized Posturologist specializing in performance, injury prevention and rehabilitation. She has presented her methods on Posturology on Breakfast and ICI Television, and has provided teachings to significantly large international organizations as well as renowned strength coaches, elite athletes and team coaches from professional and college-level leagues. She also hosts various podcasts and a semi-regular spot on a local radio station and has been a guest on several other TV shows.

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