
Bad Posture and Dopamine Production

Your posture is the resultant of how well your brain is communicating with your body.

AUGUST 22, 2016

Poor posture could be defined as a defect in the processing of the sensory information coming from one or more of the sensory systems (muscles, joints, skin), causing the body to adapt to the faulty information it’s receiving.
Good posture could be characterized by having our spine perfectly aligned to withstand the pull of gravity, which affects our energy expenditure, hormone production, quality of life and homeostasis.
Poor posture is the culprit behind a variety of conditions including, ankle, knee, shoulder, hip, back pain, cervical pain, and headaches.
Misaligned bones increases the wear and tear of all joints which can lead to weakened ligaments, cartilages, and inflammation.

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Bad Posture Raises Cortisol Levels and Declines Testosterone Levels

If you posture is misaligned, then your body could be in a state of chronic inflammation, the body starts producing more cortisol in response to stress. At the same time, it reduces testosterone production, dedicating energy to the production of cortisol so that enough will be available.
Under normal circumstances, after a brief burst of stress, people return to a more normal state. Both cortisol levels and testosterone levels readjust because the stressor is gone.
In the case of poor posture this cannot actually happen. The subconscious part of our brain (basal ganglia, brainstem, cerebellum) dictates posture by taking in information from sensory receptors of the body (feet and eyes). Both provide kinesthetic (sensation) information about the body’s position in space (proprioception).

The Three Take Aways
1- Poor posture can cause physical stress throughout the body.
2-Poorly aligned posture increases the wear and tear of all joints raising cortisol levels and decreasing testosterone levels.
3-To fix your posture you should choose a technique that restore optimal communication to the central nervous system.

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Annette Verpillot

Published by
Annette Verpillot