The aura can consist of bright spots, zigzag lines, or blackness in one side of the field of vision.
Other forms of aura include numbness or tingling of the tongue, face or fingers, often only on one side. Can this be due to the ipsilateral linkage of the cranial nerves in the brainstem via the fasciculus longitidunalis medialis (FLM)?
We know that developing a well functioning pupillary reflex is a key component to vision and eye movement. It is actually the very first step in developing functional eyes on all levels. Vision and eye movement contribute to posture. Both are addressed in the context of Posturology. Often, when patients see better and can focus more easily, they tend to have less migraines.
Since Posturology balances out the proprioception of the musculature of the head, neck, eyes, TMJ and shoulders, a normalization of input/output in the related cranial nerves is noticed and can contribute to a decrease or a cessation of symptoms.
If the headache is classically one-sided, increases of intensity and area involve the entire side of the head. It is then often associated with pallor and sweating. It is frequently marked by recurrent waves of nausea, some of which may culminate in vomiting.
Considering the neurological anatomy involved here, it is not surprising to see how symptoms can involve the entire autonomic system. In fact, projections from neck proprioceptors and visual input does reach specific structures such as the reticular formation (RF) and the hypothalamus. Both the RF and the hypothalamus play a very significant role in autonomic function.
Let’s not forget that painful hypersensitivity of the eyes to light may recur repeatedly during an episode of migraines, which may last a few moments or may persist for a day or two.
Since it seems cleat that migraines are, in part, due to poor expression of the neurological system, it would make sense to reprogram posture, which is the reflection of the interactions between the sensory and the motor spheres.
The Posturepro Team
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