The goal of Posturology is to optimize neurological input to the central nervous system by stimulating the 4 key sensory receptors (feet, eyes, jaw and skin) of the postural system.

The central nervous system is often likened to that of a central processing unit (CPU) in a computer; the system that keeps everything in the computer ordered and working properly. When just one area of the CPU begins to malfunction, over time, the whole system begins to fail, usually ending in a system shutdown. No matter how often we “reboot”, we simply cannot get the system up and running optimally until we get to the root of the problem.

The central nervous system (CNS) operates much in the same way the CPU of a computer operates. It receives information, processes it and then sends out instructions to the body. If just one of the 4 keys sensory receptors is sending distorted information or shuts down it will, over time, have an impact on how the central nervous system processes and responds to that information. Only when we get to the root of the problem can we successfully achieve the results we desire for our clients.

Today, I had the honor of not only meeting, but treating Charles Poliquin  at our Posturepro office in Montreal.

To learn more about Posturology visit our website at: www.posturerpro.net or email us directly at  education@posturepro.net

[youtube_sc url=”https://youtu.be/2OBEer2Sp5Y”]

The Posturepro Team

Changing Lives

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