A common misconception is that balance can be trained.
This is a half-truth. You can improve your balance by performing specific exercises… but only to a certain extent.
In Posturology we use a test called the Rhomberg Test. This test explores the tonic postural disequilibrium linked to the decompensation of the eye receptor.
This test requires the healthy functioning of the dorsal columns of the spinal cord and is based on the premise that a person requires at least two of the three following senses to maintain balance while standing: proprioception (the ability to know one’s body in space); vestibular function (the ability to know one’s head position in space); and vision (which can be used to monitor [and adjust for] changes in body position).
To perform the test:
Nothing should happen.
The following reactions are considered pathological:
A patient who has a problem with proprioception can still maintain balance by using vestibular function and vision. A loss of balance, sways or falls while the patient’s eyes are closed is interpreted as a positive Romberg’s test.
Instantly improve your stability and Romberg Test with Posturology and the postural insoles.
[youtube_sc url=”https://youtu.be/afRo8PjX2VU?list=UU-hT-eOK3Dfk2g08o2O_xxQ”]
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