MoneyIf you find yourself spending thousands of dollars each year on different therapies and treatments to treat the symptoms of your pain, it might be time for you to consider discovering the cause.

New Year’s Eve has always been a time for looking back to the past, and more importantly, forward to the coming year. It’s a time to reflect on the changes we want (or need) to make and resolve to follow through on those changes.

If one of you top ten New Year’s resolution is to get in shape, take our quiz below to find out how Posturology can help you make use of your energy efficiently with an aligned posture.The benefits of a postural assessment is that it will help you determine which areas of your body need to be addressed.

We do not believe in managing symptoms. We believe the body to be one unit. We also believe that treating any one part of the body without looking at the system as a whole would be an ineffective strategy.
An aligned posture has many benefits. Our screening programs look at the two primary sensory receptors responsible for the way your brain organizes posture information:

• The skin of the feet tell your brain where your body is on the ground
• The eye muscles telegraph the position of the head to your brain

The central nervous system uses the information from all of these structures and properly set the desired resistance against gravity from the information received from feet and eyes.

Take this quiz to learn about how correcting your posture through Posturology can help you save money, and get to the cause of  your pain.

1. Do you fall asleep while watching TV?
2. When you look at yourself in the mirror, does it appear as though one of your shoulders is lower than the other?
3. Clothing: do you find that one of the legs of your jeans drags more than the other? Or if you wear suits, is each arm tailored differently?
4. When you look through pictures of yourself, do you find that your head is always tilted to one side?
5. Do you have any scars? (From surgery or injury?) Are they a different color than your skin? Does it feel different than your skin? Does it feel as if is raised?
6. Do your teeth come in contact throughout the day, other when you are eating?
7. When you open your jaw, do you hear a clicking sound?
8. Do you feel like your tongue is too big for your mouth?
9. Do you have any missing teeth? (From extractions)
10. Has your sports performance decreased? Or do you feel as though you’ve reached a plateau in your training?

If you have answered yes to any of these questions, you might be a victim of postural asymmetries and your postural system just might be compensating for this deficiency. Unfortunately, many people have feet that do not rest evenly on the ground and eyes that do not track symmetrically. When your feet are uneven on the ground, your entire body will be uneven. Similarly, asymmetrical eye tracking can result in head and shoulder tilts as your brain attempts to keep the eyes on a level plane. These sensory imbalances cause alignment issues with your body that affect a direct impact on joints, affecting the entire kinetic chain.

We recommend seeking the treatment of a Posturologist to determine the cause of your pain or asymmetry or to increase your sports performance. For more information about the components of the postural system please click here, or contact us at 877-315-8489 or education@posturepro.ca

Happy New Year!

The Posturepro Team
Changing Lives