Is Dopamine to Blame For Our Addictions?

Is Dopamine to Blame For Our Addictions?

Dopamine system can be activated by a wide range of pleasant experiences, such as eating, having sex, getting revenge, winning video games, listening to music, earning money and reading funny cartoons. BY ANNETTE VERPILLOT Oct 21 2018 The dopamine system also responds...

Joint Mobility and Mobility Drill

Flexibility is the ability of your joints to move through their full range of motion without pain or stiffness. BY ANNETTE VERPILLOT JULY 27 2018 The industry and its standards are missing out on an important piece of the puzzle to truly address the cause of movement...
Harvard Conference Highlights

Harvard Conference Highlights

I just got back from a truly remarkable conference in Boston where I had the opportunity to present Posturepro’s research conducted with McGill University. BY ANNETTE VERPILLOT JULY 27 2018 Our study aimed to clinically test the benefits of insoles for older adults, a...


If you are looking to improve your squat, then this BLOG is mandatory reading. BY ANNETTE VERPILLOT JUNE 20 2018 When it comes to squats, there are lots of tips used to help you perform the lift better, more safely and with more weight. The problem is, improper...
Boost Weight Loss With Perfect Posture

Boost Weight Loss With Perfect Posture

If one of your top ten New Year’s resolution for 2018 is to get in shape, that might be a great decision.    BY ANNETTE VERPILLOT JANUARY 03 2018 New Year’s Eve has always been a time for looking back to the past, and more importantly, forward to the coming year....