Annette Verpillot Sept 26 2016 Posturology is a fast, painless way to make dramatic improvements in your posture and appearance. With Posturology you can also increase athletic performance and help permanently resolve many of the causes of back, neck, knee, and foot...
Annette Verpillot Aug 22 2016 Ankle injuries are among the single most common type of injury that occurs to athletes, but you don’t have to be a jock to find yourself suffering from ankle sprains and strains. First, consider that the difference between a sprain and...
Annette Verpillot Aug 22 2016 How to Fix Rounded Shoulders… If you’re reading this, there’s a very good chance that you have round shoulders. And if you’ve had rounded shoulders for a long time, chances are you want to find a quick, permanent way to resolve the...
The latest trend is glute activation techniques to “get your glutes to fire” BY ANNETTE VERPILLOT AUGUST 09 2016 Every 5-10 years or so a revolution pops up in physical fitness and athletic training where all the focus is on one form of training. Working the “core,”...
We’ve been mislead to believe that “you are what you eat”, whereas in actuality “you are what you absorb”, and posture, as in many things, has a few interesting impacts on nutrition that few suspect. Good nutrition is the foundation of health, just...
Posturepro is proud to present our practitioner spotlight of the month for March 2016: Deniz Mustard. This feature is designed to showcase Posturology practitioners that have been certified by the Posturepro International Performance Program. Deniz completed all four...