The above treatment protocol requires dedication and repetition before results can be seen or felt.
If you comply, you might notice more range in your pec stretch, or feel stronger in your upper back. However, you may also notice that when you’re standing in a relaxed position, your posture isn’t quite there yet.
That’s because you’re doing step #2 of your treatment protocol. That’s right, most of us skip step #1.
Your posture is controlled by your nervous system.
In brief, you have sensory systems that send information to your brain about your environment and your body’s positioning in space.
These sensory systems include the feet, the eyes, and the jaw!
Your brain receives the information and analyzes it. Your brain then sends commands to your postural muscles, which dictates your postural alignment. We are not in conscious control of this specific process.
Unfortunately, our lifestyle leads to imbalances in these sensory systems. This means that inaccurate information is being sent to the brain. As a result, your brain cannot command optimal posture.
Poor posture often leads to; pain, injury, and inflammation. Rounded shoulders are a key indicator of poor posture.
Poor posture or rounded shoulders are often a symptom/reflection of poor brain-body communication! Hence, we have to work with the root cause -the nervous system!
The Posturepro method addresses the imbalances found in the feet, the eyes, and the jaw. Working with the nervous system allows for speedy corrections, unlike traditional modalities.
By addressing the imbalances in these sensory systems, you are improving the signal sent to the brain. When the brain receives accurate information, it is able to conduct posture optimally.
Once you’re properly aligned, you can train correctly and elicit proper results. This goes for everyone, even individuals who are not currently in pain or experiencing rounded shoulders. In fact, not all postural ailments or sensory imbalances are evident!
Just because an Olympic lifter wins first place, it doesn’t mean they’ve reached their full potential! They too can improve their strength output just by addressing their posture!
Your body and its levers are designed to work optimally. When your articulations are properly aligned, and your musculoskeletal system is healthy, you get the most out of your training or rehab program.
The Foot Mechanics & Gait Cycle course covers techniques and intervention methods used to target poor foot posture and correct flat feet. Register here to begin a pain-free and healthy life!
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