Unlock Your Genetic Blueprint for better Health
- By identifying specific gene variants, this DNA Health test provides actionable insights to support better health, longevity, and genomic stability by focusing on pathways like DNA repair, biotransformation, and nutrient absorption.
We have answers!This test analyzes genes related to health, nutritional genomics, and metabolism. It offers insights into how your genetic profile influences nutrient absorption, metabolic pathways, and overall well-being. The results help tailor personalized dietary and lifestyle recommendations.
This test is ideal for anyone looking to optimize their health by understanding how their genes influence their nutritional needs and metabolic function. It’s especially beneficial for individuals aiming to personalize their diet, supplements, and lifestyle for improved well-being and reduced disease risk.
The test requires a simple blood spot sample, which can be collected at home using the provided kit. The average processing time for results is 10–18 days after the sample is received.
Your privacy is a top priority. The DNA sample and original materials are destroyed within three months of analysis, ensuring no names or identifiers are attached to the samples. Only the specific genetic markers (SNPs) included in the test are analyzed, and no additional research or tests are conducted without explicit permission. Results are never sold or shared with third parties.